This is an edited real time video of the February 20 2008 Lunar Eclipse as seen in Ottawa Canada

Senin, 14 Januari 2008

Predictions of Global Warming

We have all heard the horrific predictions of Global Warming.

You know things like the ocean will rise and everyone will drown and the rest will burn up from the Sun Heat. But did you know Global Warming is causing Illegal Immigration? This is what many Democrat Candidates are now saying. This is because with Global Warming crops will fail in Mexico, they will run out of Fresh Water and the Super Storms will annihilate their lands.

Thus they will have no where to go except to come to the United States and they will come in droves. Currently, there are 30 million illegal aliens in the US says the organizers of Los Angeles May Day Demonstration the night before the riot in LA on that Communist Holiday. Will Global Warming push our nation over the edge during the next riot as the Global Warming heats up tempers and temperatures?

What happens when Mexico gets so hot that they cannot live there and decide to come here instead? That would be 150 million people additional in the United States. Can we take it? And who is going to pay for everyone's health care? So far 80 hospitals have closed in California alone due to budget problems from illegal aliens. With Global Warming all the hospitals will close and our government will go broke.

And all this will happen because you drive an SUV say the Democrats and they so much want you to believe that and buy into all this doom and gloom. DOOOOM! Say it everyday and believe in it, they are hoping it will be enough to control your minds and your motions. So are you going to vote for more of this non-sense? Illegal Aliens causing Global Warming or is it Global Warming Causing Illegal Aliens?


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