This is an edited real time video of the February 20 2008 Lunar Eclipse as seen in Ottawa Canada

Selasa, 22 Januari 2008

Blogging tips from Justin Dupre

We know that to be a successful blogger,
you need to have original content.

We know that to be a successful blogger, you need to have original content. Anyone could tell you that. What else does it take though? You not only need to give on your blog, but you need to give through the blogging community.

Bloggers search through a lot of other blogs for sources of topics. This should be in any bloggers lists of things to do when they get up and are preparing to write. I have well over 100 RSS feeds I am subscribed to, and I check each and everyone for updates.

When I’m checking I don’t just look, but I try to comment as well. What has this blogger said right? What do I have opposing opinions on? Let them have it! Occasionally, I come across some great entries. What do I do? They deserve the attention, so I post a link to it on my own blog. This will drive traffic to them, and who knows, they may end up enjoying your blog and sending a link back to you.

I think showing appreciation of what another blogger has written is extremely important. There are so many smaller blogs out there that need appreciation. I will write them a comment; I encourage them to keep writing. I think what we should all do, is encourage other bloggers by clicking their ads as well. If I come to a newer blog, which has just written something I couldn’t pass up, I will usually click one or two of their Adsense ads. It gets me ecstatic to see 2 or 3 new clicks on my ads, so I really understand how any new blogger would feel about this.

If you come across an amazing blog, encourage them:

* Add a link to them on your blog
* Forward traffic there with a review of their entry
* Click an add or two
* Sign-up under one of their affiliates
* Subscribe
* Email the author personally
* Ask them to be a guest blogger on your blog

There are so many things we as bloggers can do to help the community around us, especially for the little guys. This is especially important for them and benefits us as well. Think. What if their traffic explodes from something viral they posted? You have been with them for a while, and you constantly help them obtain success. Who will be number one on their list when they are referring to blogs they should watch? You.

Always root for the underdog.

Justin Dupre

For more posts from Justin, feel free to check out


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